During our Passover Seder, we retell the story of our ancestors’ movement from enslavement to a free people. Our Israelite forebears endured generations of cruelty and oppression until God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush and our Exodus story...
Matzah prep, the JCJ way No Yeast? No Worries! Last year, JCJ’s Legislative Fellowship Director Elias Chajet and his wife, Michelle Blumenthal, created an easy and delicious 18-minute Matzah Recipe. Watch the video and try it out for yourself! Recommended Haggadot and...
Each Passover we are instructed that in every generation each person should see themselves as if they were freed from bondage in Egypt. In so doing, we remind ourselves that there are many who still face grave injustices in our society. Whether or not you sit at a...
JCJ Clergy Cohort member and Temple De Hirsch Sinai Rabbi Avi Fine delivered the following d’var Torah on Yom Kippur this year. Watch the full clip below. One particular excerpt stands out, beginning at 7:01: Through tfillah and tzadakah, we can split the sea of...
Passover prep, the JCJ way No Yeast? No Worries! Now is the time to try out this easy and delicious 18-minute Matzah Recipe, courtesy of seminary fellow Elias Chajet and his fiancé Michelle Blumenthal. Conflicted about the afikomen prize this year? Use this...