Three Actions You Can Take to Honor Women’s History Month
Women’s History Month is the annual celebration of the contributions and achievements of women in United States history. While so much has been accomplished in the fight for equal rights, we also know that the path toward true justice is long. Our Jewish tradition...
Take Action : Help codify Roe
Take ACTION by contacting your Representatives and urging them to re-introduce The Women’s Health Protection Act. U.S. Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 Find your Representative! Sample script: “Hi, my name is [your name]. I’m calling today to urge [name of...
RECAP: What happened to JCJ supported propositions and ballot measures?
The 2022 Midterm Election has officially concluded. While most races and propositions have been settled, several still remain undecided as the final ballot count comes in. In addition to national and statewide Get Out The Vote efforts, the Jewish Center for Justice...