87 faith groups file amicus brief: Diverting funds for border wall ‘unconstitutional’
Today, the Jewish Center for Justice joined 86 other religious and faith-based groups in filing an amicus brief in the Supreme Court arguing that the Trump Administration’s attempt to divert otherwise-allocated funds for construction of a border wall is...
INSPIRING: Rabbi’s d’var Torah on loneliness and Jews of Color
JCJ Clergy Cohort member and Temple De Hirsch Sinai Rabbi Avi Fine delivered the following d’var Torah on Yom Kippur this year. Watch the full clip below. One particular excerpt stands out, beginning at 7:01: Through tfillah and tzadakah, we can split the sea of...
A Vidui (Confession) for Racism
Each year on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, we beat our chests and engage in a communal confession. Looking back on a year, it can be difficult to pinpoint specific mistakes or failures. The beauty of a communal confession is that we take on all these failures...