The story of Passover is a story of fighting for justice.

As we prepare to celebrate the upcoming eight days, we must remember to fight for justice and redemption in our own communities. With the 2024 General Election approaching, there’s no better place to start the conversation around voting than at your Seder table. 

Please use the following resource to supplement your Passover observance this year and initiate a dialogue about voting, voter registration, and access to the polls.

The Wise Child: “What are the voter registration laws?”

Voter registration laws are different in every state, so registering in advance is the best course of action. Voting early or by mail is also a great way to make your voice heard if you can’t get to the polls on Election Day (November 5th). Generally, mail-in ballots should be postmarked around 2 to 3 weeks before Election Day. 

In many states, you can register in-person on Election Day — just make sure to bring your license or another recognized form of identification. If you don’t have an ID, you can still ask for your ballot, and your identity will be checked later. 

The Wicked Child: “Does voting even matter?”

Frustration with politics (and politicians themselves) often causes voters to avoid showing up on Election Day. Both Millennials and Gen Z feel disillusioned about politics, and less than half of young people say they plan to vote in 2024.

This, however, is a self-fulfilling prophecy: not voting is likely to lead to policies that do not represent your interests or address your needs. 

The Simple Child: “How else can I prepare to vote?”

After registering to vote, the next and most important step is to get informed. Stay up to date with candidates, election news, and policy areas you’re passionate about to make sure that you can make the best choices.

Remember: Down-ballot issues matter! This includes statewide, and even more locally. In fact, city council, school board, and county sheriff races often have a more direct and immediate impact on you and your community. 

The Child who Doesn’t Know how to Ask

There are many ways to ensure everyone in your community has their voice heard, including:

  • Coordinating carpools to the polls on Election Day
  • Sharing resources on how, where, and when to vote
  • Staying informed by watching debates, attending town halls, and keeping up with the news

Additional questions for discussion and conversation at the Seder table:

  • What social issues most matter to you?
  • What are the best methods or platforms for raising our voice about the issues we care about?
  • How can the story of Passover inform how we think about the issues of justice in modern times?