Passover prep, the JCJ way

  • No Yeast? No Worries! Now is the time to try out this easy and delicious 18-minute Matzah Recipe, courtesy of seminary fellow Elias Chajet and his fiancé Michelle Blumenthal.
  • Conflicted about the afikomen prize this year? Use this opportunity of familial joy to spread the love to those in need. Here are just a few of the organizations that need our help right now.
  • Here are some creative and easy online Haggadahs for you and your community to try:


  • This year, consider making a special Tzedaka box to collect donations for those impacted by the coronavirus. As our new reality has put an even greater percentage of the population in need, it is important that we are mindful of those who are working in unsafe conditions (postal workers, care givers, and grocers, to name a few) as well as those who are experiencing unemployment and economic hardship.
  • Students who used to rely on school lunches may no longer have access to three full meals a day. Consider contributing to this fundraiser for students in need.

Jewish values

  • Send digital cards to loved ones and those in need of kind words and inspiration.
  • Voice your thanks to our local and state elected officials for working hard to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are taken care of by calling or emailing their offices directly.


  • Though our movements have been constricted, we must still take time to ensure all people are protected. Visit our blog for ways to stay involved in our advocacy agenda.

For more ways to incorporate themes of justice into your Passover seder, check out our justice guide for all eight nights.