The purpose of H.R.1080, also known as the The Fairness for Farm Workers Act, is to provide fair overtime compensation for farm and agricultural workers across the nation. The Fairness for Farm Workers Act amends the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), an existing law which excludes farm workers from receiving equal overtime pay. Currently, 27 Representatives from California are cosponsoring the bill. To call attention to this vital piece of legislation, contact your representative today. Follow these 3 simple steps:

  1. Find your Representative!
  2. Check if your Representative is cosponsoring H.R. 1080 yet!
  3. Call your representative! If your Representative is already cosponsoring the bill, thank them for their support. If your Representative has not yet cosponsored H.R. 1080, ask them to add their name to the bill. An example call script is located below:

Hi, my name is [your name] and I’m reaching out on behalf of the Jewish Center for Justice, a nationwide Jewish organization representing the Jewish voice on today’s most pressing issues. I’m calling today to urge the Representative to cosponsor H.R.1080, the Fairness for Farm Workers Act. 27 other California representatives have already cosponsored this bill and we believe it would, if passed, allow farm workers to stand on the same level as the rest of the workforce through equal overtime pay.

Learn more about JCJ’s Economic Justice efforts here.