The Jewish Center for Justice community mourns the loss of one of our first supporters and champions Rabbi Morley T. Feinstein. Rabbi Feinstein had a beautiful career serving communities in San Antonio, Texas and South Bend, Indiana as well as serving as the Senior Rabbi of University Synagogue in the Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles until his retirement in 2019. As a son of Los Angeles, coming back to LA as a Rabbi was a true moment of pride and honor for him.

Our hearts are with the entire Feinstein family as he leaves behind his loving wife Dr. Margarete Feinstein, his children, Aaron and his wife Shira, Ari and his wife Rachel, as well as his grandchildren, Mika Ruth, Jacob, and Noah. We also mourn deeply with his twin daughters Eliana and Renata Feinstein, JCJ High School Fellows who brought such joy to their father’s eyes as they simultaneously studied for finals and advocated for justice. 

Rabbi Feinstein was often referred to by his colleagues as a “Rabbi’s Rabbi.” Rabbi Morley Feinstein was a teacher, a preacher, a partner, and a friend. He loved Torah and he loved the sparks of beauty that connected us all. He also believed in the human spirit and the love of traditions coming together to serve the community. From his work at the Board of Rabbis in Los Angeles to his service on the Mayor’s Interfaith Council, Rabbi Feinstein transcended faith and also became a “clergy’s clergy.” He stood for what was right, he found the words of justice in our tradition, and he passed it down from generation to generation. 

We grieve with his family and friends and the generations across this world who had the privilege of calling him Rabbi. May his memory be forever a blessing. And may his words and teaching inspire our pursuit of justice in the days, weeks, months and years to come.

Obituary in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal.