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Updated: July 30, 2020

Awareness to Action: 21 Days Toward Racial Justice is a three-week effort to confront racism, address our privilege, and stand up for racial justice, co-sponsored by University of Southern California’s Casden Institute.

The three weeks from July 8 (Tzom Tamuz) to July 30 (Tisha b’Av) mark a period of grieving for the destruction of both the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. During this time, our community will reflect on the baseless hatred that leads to oppression and persecution in our day.

Drawing on our collective narrative as Americans and Jews, the JCJ community will challenge ourselves to grasp the devastating effects of racism on our community members and neighbors of color.

Campaign Actions

Day 0 | Wednesday, July 8
WATCH and SHARE our campaign introduction video.

Day 1 | Thursday, July 9
Urge your Senators to take action on the Bipartisan Justice and Policing Act of 2020 passed in the House of Representatives on June 25. CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION.

Day 2 | Friday, July 10

  • WATCH and SHARE Rabbi Joshua Samuels’ D’var Torah.
  • Join JCJ at 3:00 p.m. PDT on Facebook for a Live Virtual pre-Shabbat gathering.

Day 3 | Saturday, July 11
Watch 13th on Netflix (or free on YouTube) and use the following discussion questions to participate in a dialogue about the film.

Day 4 | Sunday, July 12
Read the 1619 Project or listen to the podcast on the project.

Day 5 | Monday, July 13
Contact your mayor, council member and or supervisor and ask about efforts to reallocate funds towards community safety that involves mental health and homelessness services. (Link coming soon)

Day 6 | Tuesday, July 14
Share this quote from “New Jim Crow” on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Also, tag JCJ for an entry to get a copy of the book.

Day 7 | Wednesday, July 15
On social media, follow these 5 organizations which work to ensure civil rights and equality for all people.

Day 8 | Thursday, July 16
Watch Rev. Warnock’s Eulogy for Rayshard Brooks. WATCH HERE.

Day 9 | Friday, July 17
WATCH and SHARE Rabbi Avi Fine’s D’var Torah.

Day 10 | Saturday, July 18
Watch Just Mercy and use JCJ’s discussion questions to participate in a dialogue about the film.

Day 11 | Sunday, July 19
Read America’s Enduring Caste System by Isabel Wilkerson.

Day 12 | Monday, July 20
Honor the legacy of Congressman John Lewis (z”l) by urging your Senators to vote on the Voting Rights Advancement Act, HR 4, which passed the House of Representatives on December 6, 2019 with Congressman Lewis presiding from the Speaker’s Chair.

Day 13 | Tuesday, July 21
Share this quote from “How to be an Anti-Racist” by Ibram X. Kendi on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

Day 14 | Wednesday, July 22
Watch this clip from Scholar and Activist Eddie Glaude Jr. Use the following discussion questions with friends and/or family afterward.

  • How can we fulfill Dr. King’s vision of a just economy?
  • How will a just economy help us achieve racial justice?

Day 15 | Thursday, July 23
Watch JCJ Executive Director Rabbi Joel Simonds in conversation with Pastor Eddie Anderson. Watch here.

Day 16 | Friday, July 24
WATCH and SHARE Rabbi Sarah Joselow Parris’ D’var Torah.

Day 17 | Saturday, July 25
Watch 12 Years a Slave (available to buy or rent on YouTube) and use JCJ’s discussion questions to participate in a dialogue about the film. Discussion questions here.

Day 18 | Sunday, July 26
Read “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Day 19 | Monday, July 27
The Equal Justice Initiative is an organization we look to as a leading voice for justice and racial equality in this country. Please take five minuted to read EJI’s recommendations, than act on one of the many items listed. Click here to take action.

Day 20 | Tuesday, July 28
Share this quote from Between the World & Me with your friends and followers on social media.

Day 21 | Wednesday, July 29
Read this post from JCJ intern Eliana Robin about privilege and where Jewish education can elevate its teachings about racial injustice.

Day 22 | Thursday, July 30
A modern reading and chanting of Lamentations by JCJ senior seminary fellows Elias Chajet and Sarah Moody, and singer/songwriter Chava Mirel