Take Action : Protect medical privacy
Take ACTION by contacting your State Senator urging them to support AB 254. Find your California Assembly Member and Senator! Sample script: Hello, my name is [your name]. I’m calling today to urge [name of Senator] to pass Assembly Bill 254, which will protect the...
Take Action : Help children get better mental health resources in their school
Take ACTION by contacting your U.S. Representative, and urging them to support H.R. 4054, H.R. 3331, H.R. 3228, and H.R. 3055. Find your U.S. Representative here. Sample script: Hello, my name is [your name], and I am calling on behalf of the Jewish Center for Justice...
Take Action : Help the U.S. fund the United Nations Population Fund
Take ACTION by contacting your U.S. Representative, and urging them to support H.R. 3938. Find your U.S. Representative here. Sample script: Hello, my name is [your name], and I am calling today to urge [U.S. Representative name] to support H.R. 3938, also called the...
Take Action : Help Pass Fossil Fuel Divestment in California
Take ACTION by contacting your Assembly Member urging them to support Senate Bill 252. Find your California Assembly Member and Senator! Sample script: “Hi, my name is [your name]. I’m calling today to urge [name of Assembly Member] to pass the Senate Bill 252. This...