Joining faith groups, JCJ signs on to amicus brief supporting DACA program
Last week, the Jewish Center for Justice joined more than 100 U.S. religious or religiously-affiliated organizations by signing an amicus brief in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”) program. The brief states: “Amici believe, on the...
How a Seattle rabbi campaigned to protect undocumented immigrants in his community
On Wednesday, July 17, former JCJ seminary fellow and current Assistant Rabbi at Temple De Hirsch Sinai in Seattle joined immigrant rights advocates, elected officials, and members of different faith networks to march from Riverton Park United Methodist Church in...
What happened when I attended a rally to close detention centers, at a detention center
Last Wednesday, July 3, fellow JCJ intern Lindsay Morgenstein and I drove to the Theo Lacy Immigration Detention Center in Orange, California, a facility which serves as a maximum-security jail for immigrant detainees. While I did not go inside, it was clear from what...