Passover prep, the JCJ way No Yeast? No Worries! Now is the time to try out this easy and delicious 18-minute Matzah Recipe, courtesy of seminary fellow Elias Chajet and his fiancé Michelle Blumenthal. Conflicted about the afikomen prize this year? Use this...
Each Passover we are instructed that in every generation each person should see themselves as if they were freed from bondage in Egypt. In so doing, we remind ourselves that there are many who still face grave injustices in our society. Whether or not you sit at a...
*This post was originally published on March 17, 2020* “We have entered a time of uncertainty and fear, during which we will all have our moments of deep pain. But as a community we will strengthen one another, we will gather stones together, and we will build...
By Rabbi Joel Simonds Yesterday a mix of board members and lay leaders gathered both in the JCJ offices and online to engage with elected officials on our advocacy agenda for the upcoming year. Emphasizing our pursuit for a brighter tomorrow, we spoke with State...
OVERVIEW Today, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of June Medical Services, LLC v. Gee from the state of Louisiana. This case, which will be ruled on in the coming June 2020 term, is a pivotal one concerning safe access to abortion...
Over the past two decades, California has experienced a surge in home and rental prices, resulting in a massive housing and homelessness crisis which the state has struggled to manage. In 2019 alone, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority found that there were...