Following the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, President Trump and Senate leadership rushed to nominate a replacement on the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the president and the Senate neglected to pass any coronavirus relief bills.

This is deeply immoral.

We are now calling on all members of the JCJ community to call your Senators to urge them to oppose the Senate confirmation hearings process and vote ‘No’ on nominee Amy Coney Barrett should it come to a vote. The American people deserve a say in the process by way of the upcoming election.

Dial U.S. Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

Sample telephone / email script


I’m a citizen of [Your state] and I’m calling to urge [Your Senator’s name] to oppose the Supreme Court confirmation hearing process for Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Senate leadership held up the nomination process in 2016, citing that the American people deserve a say in who selects the next Supreme Court Justice. In 2020, that same standard must be upheld. Further, I urge the Senator to vote ‘No’ to not confirm Judge Barrett should the confirmation process come to a vote.

Thank you.