Take Action : Help Pass Fossil Fuel Divestment in California
Take ACTION by contacting your Assembly Member urging them to support Senate Bill 252. Find your California Assembly Member and Senator! Sample script: “Hi, my name is [your name]. I’m calling today to urge [name of Assembly Member] to pass the Senate Bill 252. This...
Take Action : Force Corporations to Disclose Carbon Footprint
Take ACTION by urging your California senator m to support Senate Bill 253. Click here to find your California Representative and Senator! Sample call / email script: “Hi, my name is [your name]. I’m calling today to urge [name of Senator] to pass the Senate Bill 253....
RECAP: What happened to JCJ supported propositions and ballot measures?
The 2022 Midterm Election has officially concluded. While most races and propositions have been settled, several still remain undecided as the final ballot count comes in. In addition to national and statewide Get Out The Vote efforts, the Jewish Center for Justice...