VIDEO: What happened in 2020?
2020 was a year like no other. Facing the threat of a deadly virus and the prospects of an economic recession, the Jewish Center for Justice shifted programming to meet the needs of our growing community. Watch our End-of-Year video recapping our work in 2020. Then...
Action: Urge your Senators to OPPOSE Judge Amy Coney Barrett
Following the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, President Trump and Senate leadership rushed to nominate a replacement on the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the president and the Senate neglected to pass any coronavirus relief bills. This is deeply immoral. We are...
VOTE 2020: Check for your Mail-in Ballot!!
If you live in California, chances are that you have already received your mail-in ballot for the 2020 election. If you have, you can fill it out and return it to one of your area’s secure ballot drop-off locations. Vote-by-Mail Ballot Drop Boxes and...
INSPIRING: Rabbi’s d’var Torah on loneliness and Jews of Color
JCJ Clergy Cohort member and Temple De Hirsch Sinai Rabbi Avi Fine delivered the following d’var Torah on Yom Kippur this year. Watch the full clip below. One particular excerpt stands out, beginning at 7:01: Through tfillah and tzadakah, we can split the sea of...