Take ACTION by urging your California assembly member to support The Family Caregiver Anti-Discrimination Act, AB 524.

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Sample call / email script:

Hello. My name is [YOUR NAME], and I am calling to urge Assembly Member [NAME] to support The Family Caregiver Anti-Discrimination Act, also called AB 524. As a member of the Jewish Center for Justice community, we know it is our moral obligation to ensure that employees are not discriminated against for their status as a family caregiver. It is immoral, unethical, and should be illegal to fire, demote, refuse to hire, or take any other adverse employment actions against workers because of their family responsibilities. We must do our part to protect workers’ rights to care for their families and strongly urge you to pass The Family Caregiver Anti-Discrimination Act, AB 524.

The Jewish Center for Justice has long been committed to our partners in the Work and Family Coalition of California. Together, we bring to the table a diverse community dedicated to ensuring that California is a leader for paid family leave, paid sick leave, and caregiver rights.  JCJ is helping mobilize faith communities behind this bill, which would:

  • Prohibit discrimination against employees based on their status as family caregiver. 
  • Make it unlawful for employers to refuse to hire, fire, demote, or take any other adverse action against workers because of their family responsibilities. 

As a Jewish community, we are guided by our long standing belief and support in anti-discrimination laws. From civil rights to workers’ rights, we must ensure that at the local, state, and national level, our laws progress just as society progresses. Our Jewish tradition inspires us time and again to protect the work, to care for the vulnerable and to live each day with care and compassion.   

Take ACTION by contacting your California assembly member to urge them to support this important piece of legislation.

Background Info:

Action alert compiled by the Micah D. Bycel Fellows.