Take Action : Increase the Amount of Protected Paid Sick Leave from 3 to 7 Days
In late May, the Senate passed SB 616. Take action by now urging your California Assembly Member to quickly pass this bill so it can head to the governor’s desk. Click here to find your California Assembly Member and Senator! Sample call / email script: Hello....
Take Action : Codify Family Caregiver Protections into Law
Take ACTION by urging your California assembly member to support The Family Caregiver Anti-Discrimination Act, AB 524. Click here to find your California Representative and Senator! Sample call / email script: Hello. My name is [YOUR NAME], and I am calling to urge...
Take action : Create More Equitable Access to Paid Family Leave Wage
Take action by urging your California assembly member to pass AB 518, Paid Family Leave for Chosen Family, which was referred to the committee on insurance on February 17, 2023. Click here to find your California Representative and Senator! Sample call / email...