JCJ Clergy Cohort member and Temple De Hirsch Sinai Rabbi Avi Fine delivered the following d’var Torah on Yom Kippur this year. Watch the full clip below. One particular excerpt stands out, beginning at 7:01: Through tfillah and tzadakah, we can split the sea of...
Before COVID-19 began fundamentally altering our way of life, the Jewish Center for Justice had a very ambitious legislative agenda that targeted policy issues such as economic justice, housing, gender equality, the environment, and more. Then the onset of the...
The LA County Board of Supervisors is meeting tomorrow morning, Tuesday, April 14, and we need to urge them to support the Healthy LA platform to ensure the safety and well-being of the 10 million people who call LA home. Two weeks ago, the same Board voted to provide...
*This post was originally published on March 17, 2020* “We have entered a time of uncertainty and fear, during which we will all have our moments of deep pain. But as a community we will strengthen one another, we will gather stones together, and we will build...
By Rabbi Joel Simonds Yesterday a mix of board members and lay leaders gathered both in the JCJ offices and online to engage with elected officials on our advocacy agenda for the upcoming year. Emphasizing our pursuit for a brighter tomorrow, we spoke with State...