Next week, legislators will convene in Sacramento to discuss Senate Bill 50, known as the More HOMES Act. Authored by Sen. Scott Wiener, SB 50 will speed up the construction of affordable homes while protecting vulnerable tenants against displacement. The Jewish Center for Justice has already penned a letter of support for SB 50 (see text below). Now we need your help.

SB 50 must pass this month or it becomes obsolete. If we want to solve California’s housing shortage, we need as many voices from the JCJ community as possible calling for change. We encourage all supporters to act quickly on this time-sensitive piece of legislation and call not only their own State Senators, but also those Senators listed below who have yet to offer support for SB 50.

I stand with @JewishCJustice and Californians in support of #SB50, which will speed up the construction of affordable homes while protecting vulnerable tenants against displacement.… Share on X



“Hello, my name is _______. I’m calling on behalf of the Jewish Center for Justice. To whom can I speak to voice the greater Jewish community’s strong support of Senate Bill 50?”

[When you reach the correct party]

“I am keenly aware that Senate Bill 50 must be passed in the Senate before the end of January, and so I’m calling to express my support with urgency. This bill will speed up construction of affordable housing while protecting vulnerable tenants against displacement, helping to address California’s housing and affordability crisis. Thank you for taking time today to take my call and listen to my request for the Senator.”


JCJ’s Letter of Support

January 15, 2020

Hon. Scott Wiener
State Capitol, Room 5100
Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: Support for S.B. 50 – the More HOMES Act

Dear Senator Wiener,

I write on behalf of the Jewish Center for Justice – a California-based community of Jewish advocates which empowers current and future leaders to build a more compassionate and just society – to express support for Senate Bill 50, known as the More HOMES Act.

California is currently facing a historic housing and affordability crisis, and S.B. 50 offers a viable solution to this problem. The More HOMES Act would significantly reduce the cost of living for millions of Californians and provide essential housing for low- and middle-income residents.

This bill also serves as a solution to our state’s climate challenges. The California Air Resources Board suggests that in order to meet our climate goals, we need to decrease the total number of vehicle miles traveled. This cannot be achieved without housing infill policies, which would increase public transit use and reduce automotive pollutants that most negatively impact low-income Californians.

This legislative prescription will also override restrictive zoning in segregated areas, which would help reverse the ongoing trend of segregation in California.  Further, by allowing diverse housing options within individual neighborhoods, this bill would keep families close and communities together, reinforcing natural support systems. When Californians can depend on their neighbors for community, we all benefit.

The More HOMES Act is essential to ensure all Californians have access to affordable, walkable and transit-oriented housing – an urgent need for the growing population of working Californians.

For these reasons, the Jewish Center for Justice is pleased to support the More HOMES Act. We’re committed to working with you, the State Legislature, and Governor Newsom to provide Californians with more housing choice, greater economic security, and the ability to keep their families together. We thank you for raising these essential issues in the More HOMES Act, and we will advocate strongly for its passage.

Best wishes,

Rabbi Joel Simonds
Executive Director
Jewish Center for Justice