The story of Passover is a story of fighting for justice. As we prepare to celebrate the upcoming eight days, we must remember to fight for justice and redemption in our own communities. With the 2024 General Election approaching, there’s no better place to start the...
Updated: March 1, 2024 Proposition 1 (March 5th ballot) The Jewish Center for Justice supports voting ‘YES’ on Proposition 1 on the March 5th ballot. Proposition 1 would: Authorize $6.38 billion in bonds to build mental health facilities for those with...
The word Hanukkah means “dedication,” because we rededicated the Temple after it was destroyed by the Greeks thousands of years ago. Following the attacks on Israel and the rise in antisemitism worldwide, the story of Hanukkah has never been so relevant. While brave...
Nearly one month after Hamas’ brutal attacks on Israel that started a war, you may discover that you have many questions about what is going on in Israel, who exactly Hamas is, and what JCJ’s position is on the conflict. Here are some of the most frequently asked...
Updated: Oct. 13, 2023 Looking for volunteer and giving opportunities? Donate / volunteer in Israel (click here). Donate from abroad (click here). “This is the most lethal assault against Jews since the Holocaust.” – U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat...
When an active shooter killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012, I was six years old—coincidentally, the same age as many of the victims. While many young students, myself included, could not fully comprehend what had happened that day, many of...