Why We, As Jews, Have An Obligation to Help Immigrants
By Sam Wolf In the midst of the Administration’s continued attacks on refugees and asylum seekers, I feel compelled to speak out. Let me tell you why. On April 15, 1940, my great grandparents — Ferenc Rakos and Aranka Neufeld — arrived in New York on the USS...
Statewide Day of Action: Faith & Community Vigils for Migrant Families
On Thursday, December 6th, the Jewish Center for Justice joins with the greater California community of advocates who are bringing justice and hope to migrant families and asylum seekers at the border. To take action today, call your Member of Congress (you can reach...
On “Staying in my Lane”
By Dr. Jennifer Weiss The sound of metal-on-metal isn’t unfamiliar to doctors who have spent a career treating bullet wounds. Even modern basins made from plastic make a particular noise once a bullet has been deposited. Those sounds aren’t easy to forget because they...
A festival of lights; a season of justice
As we rededicate ourselves to a year of justice and action, we also must think about how to educate ourselves on the important issues of our time and the roles we play in living a life guided by our core Jewish values. Each night of Hanukkah, with the candles burning...