UPDATE: Two Major Israeli Parties Seeking Knesset Control in Unprecedented Election
**This post is an update to our June 20 blog about the upcoming September 17 snap elections in Israel. Israel will hold a historically unprecedented election for Knesset, the Israeli parliament, on September 17. Whichever party manages to secure the plurality of seats...
Update: The status of the Israeli elections
On September 17, 2019, the Israeli government will hold an election for parliament and present the majority with the opportunity to form a new coalition and install their party’s leader as the country’s Prime Minister. This election will follow the April 2019 election...
Our Country Cannot Afford to Ignore Anti-Semitism
By Gabi Becher Throughout my seven years at a small, warm Jewish elementary school in Los Angeles, I was taught to love being Jewish and to love the state of Israel. The culture, food, language, history and people have always fascinated me. Further, when I met...
JCJ’s Top 5 Resources for Understanding the Upcoming Elections in Israel
On Tuesday April 9, 2019, the Israeli government will hold an election for parliament and give the majority the opportunity to form a new coalition and have their party’s leader serve as the country’s Prime Minister. For the past ten years, Benjamin (Bibi)...