Take Action: Urge Lawmakers to Support Unbiased Ethnic Studies in California
The Jewish Center for Justice is joining the Jewish Public Affairs Committee of California and other coalition partners in support of AB 1468, a landmark bill to ensure that ethnic studies is taught appropriately in our schools – free from factually inaccurate and...
JCJ Responds to Ceasefire-Hostage Deal
In response to news that Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire-hostage deal on Wednesday, January 15th, the Jewish Center for Justice issued the following statement: As the details of the hostage deal unfold, we are reminded of the profound weight carried by each...
RECAP: California Props and Ballot Measures
The 2024 General Election took place on Tuesday, November 5th, with candidates and ballot initiatives at the national, statewide, and local level. While the Jewish Center for Justice does not endorse individual candidates running for office, we did take a position on...
October 7th: Honoring the Victims
As we mark one year since the horrifying terror attacks of October 7th, we find ourselves in a moment of reflection—on the grief, the impact, and the resilience we’ve witnessed within our community. For many of us, this past year has brought challenges in how we...