*The following post is part of JCJ’s Awareness to Action: 21 Days Toward Racial Justice campaign.*

Today, we are urging our community to contact their mayor, city council member, and/or supervisor and ask about efforts to reallocate funds towards community safety that involves mental health services and homelessness services. Each call takes between 1 and 3 minutes, and even several dozen calls can make a large difference and leave an impact on your elected officials. Unsure what to say when you call? Use our call script below, but feel free to add your own language and ideas as well.

Hello. My name is ___________. I’m calling on behalf of the Jewish Center for Justice, a growing community of individuals committed to pursuing social change, to urge ___________ to support legislation that reallocates police funding and/or demilitarizes our local departments.  Most police forces are over militarized and overburdened with noncriminal social issues.  It is not necessary to deploy an armed police officer for every non-violent or non-life-threatening incident. The unnecessary use of police force in too many of these cases has been a detriment to society.  Reallocating funds from police departments to mental health and communal administrative services will keep our citizens safer, happier, and healthier. Thank you for your time and consideration of this ask.

How do I find mayor’s office? Here are a few below: