“Lucky 7”

JOIN US for JCJ’s Casino Night Celebration & Fundraiser 2024

Wednesday, June 5th

6:00 – 9:30 pm

Tiato in Santa Monica

“Lucky 7”

Join us on June 5th for an unforgettable night as we gather for JCJ’s “Lucky 7” Casino Night Celebration at the beautiful Tiato Kitchen + Garden in Santa Monica. The night will feature table games, Californian-Asian cuisine, craft cocktails, and a curated Silent Auction, alongside elected officials, allies, advocates, and more!

Your ticket helps fund JCJ with a tax-deductible contribution to empower leaders and inspire change.


A limited number of Sponsorship Opportunities are available, with levels that offer benefits such as inclusion in event promotional materials, recognition in JCJ’s newsletter and on social media, and other partnership perks.

CLICK HERE for the details.

Have something you or your company can contribute for our silent auction? Please let us know.

Thank you to our sponsors:

The Newman Family

The Melvoin Family

The Bank Family
Schwarz Montgomery Family Foundation
Alex and Heather Weingarten
The Orthohealing Center
Jenni & Tanner Kayne-Ehrlich

Event photography sponsored by Cat and Adi Benner from Next Exit Photography.

Tiato Kitchen + Garden in Santa Monica

Wednesday, June 5th, 6–9:30 pm

Free parking available.

It’s been an eventful year

Over the past year, we have experienced incredible milestones, took bold legislative action, and raised our voices in the face of unprecedented levels of hate against our community.

Yet it remains clear that our justice work, our advocacy for the state of Israel, and our fight against antisemitism will be more crucial than ever (and your support more crucial).

But, for one night, we’re going to take a break.

Come join us!

Don’t miss a special night of friends, food & fun!

Can’t make the party?

Your tickets are then 100% tax-deductible — and you’re still included in a special raffle.